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Delivery Strategies


A Delivery Strategy sets out a clear action plan for the implementation of a development proposal.  Very often associated with larger scale projects, our Delivery Strategies often precede the preparation of other key documents such as Delivery Frameworks which normally cover specific aspects of a project in significantly more detail.

The Delivery Strategy is typically a high level document that confirms a project’s objectives and desired outcomes, key actions, target timescales, roles and responsibilities, key milestones and expected resource requirements.

It is not uncommon for Delivery Strategies, Delivery Frameworks and Masterplan Frameworks to be combined into a single, comprehensive document however in our experience, the separating out of the Delivery Strategy as a freestanding piece of work, preceding the other activities has significant advantages as it ensures that a project’s key strategic objectives and issues are discussed, agreed and addressed at the outset.

What Can I Do Next…

At Spawforths we are proud to act as trusted advisers to a wide range of clients including private individuals, businesses, charities and the public sector. If you would like further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.

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National Custom & Self Build Association
Passive House Designer
West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce
RTPI Chartered Town Planner
RIBA Chartered Practice
The Academy of Urbanism
Landscape Institute Registered Practice
IEMA Quality Mark
Smarter Planning Champion
Place Alliance