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The £33 million Wakefield Eastern Relief Road unveiled!

The £33 million Wakefield Eastern Relief Road was unveiled today and we were thrilled to attend the event. Spawforths created the vision and worked with the Council to successfully secure permission for the new road and were thrilled to attend today’s event.

The new road provides a link between the A638 Doncaster Road and the A642 Aberford Road and Ferry Lane, and will open up substantial job opportunities for local people by providing direct access to the Wakefield East employment growth area, as well as provide an alternative route around the city centre, reduce congestion and improve accessibility.

The road was opened by Cllr Peter Box CBE with the ribbon cutting ceremony taking place on the new bridge over the River Calder. Councillors, school children, Officers from Wakefield Council and WYCA as well as consultants, developers and contractors involved in the development and delivery of the road were also present. 

A team of cyclists were riding the route on the dedicated cycle paths and members of the public attended the event. The road was opened on schedule and is now open to the public.

What Can I Do Next…

At Spawforths we are proud to act as trusted advisers to a wide range of clients including private individuals, businesses, charities and the public sector. If you would like further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.

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