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Planning Protocol Launched at Property Forum

A new strategy aimed at helping the delivery of new development in Leeds has been launched at today’s Property Forum event.

The Leeds Planning Protocol is joint work between Leeds City Council and West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce, setting out a commitment to working together. It builds on existing good practice of engaging with communities and front-loading the planning process, and promises a more proactive approach to delivering good growth in Leeds.

Speaking at Leeds Chamber Property Forum, Cllr Richard Lewis, Executive Member for Regeneration, Transport and Planning said: “It has been a time of significant change in recent years. Leeds has the largest centre outside London for financial and business services, digital, creative, publishing and broadcasting along with the second highest concentration of knowledge intensive jobs. The Council’s ambitious Core Strategy sees a commitment to delivering thousands of new houses whilst retaining the focus on building strong and vibrant communities with the emphasis on good place making and high quality homes. This sustainable growth can only happen if the right development comes forward in the right place at the right time and works successfully if there is collaboration between the Council, local communities and developers to secure that growth.”

David Rolinson of planning consultants, Spawforths, and Chair of the Chamber’s Housing Group added: “In 2018 we published Liveability Leeds, a report on how to deliver housing growth in a more positive and less confrontational manner locally. The report acknowledges that more needs to be done to ensure we built the right housing in the right places, whilst ensuring communities were brought in to the process. The planning protocol has been a great example of collaboration between public and private sector and I congratulate Leeds plans panel members and the wider development community for driving this ambition forward.”

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National Custom & Self Build Association
Passive House Designer
West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce
RTPI Chartered Town Planner
RIBA Chartered Practice
The Academy of Urbanism
Landscape Institute Registered Practice
IEMA Quality Mark
Smarter Planning Champion
Place Alliance