Application to accelerate development on nationally significant site
Spawforths, on behalf of Pochin Goodman Northern Gateway Ltd have submitted a S73 planning application for mixed use redevelopment within the Deeside Enterprise Zone, Wales.
The site forms part of a strategic allocation referred to as Northern Gateway, where permission was approved in May 2014 for this nationally significant site. The main challenge in delivering this site has been infrastructure investment. The planning strategy advice and planning application prepared by Spawforths is intended to aid delivery and accelerate development on the site and unlock its potential, releasing prime employment and housing land.
The S73 application seeks to increase the level of residential development on the site, from a maximum of 600 dwellings to 770 dwellings, through a variation of relevant planning conditions. The application has been supported by an updated Environmental Statement, prepared by Spawforths. This increase in development will secure early delivery of the site, fund the site enabling works and act as a springboard for further investment and, the delivery of the remaining infrastructure and subsequent phase.
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