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Appeal success in Doncaster

Planning permission has been granted for Faith Homes' development of 97 dwellings beyond Doncaster's settlement boundaries. Spawforths provided expert witness services on housing delivery and planning policy matters.

The Inspector concluded clear support in Core Strategy for the growth of Staniforth / Hatfield and accepted that such growth could take place in the countryside outside the settlement. The Appeal proposals were found to be consistent with the regeneration and growth objectives of the development plan.

However, the most significant outcome was that the Inspector determined that Doncaster does not have a five year housing land supply. In her view, the Objectively Assessed Need for Doncaster is 1,370 dwellings per annum rather than the 920 figure advanced by the Council. The case will impact heavily on both plan-making and decision-taking in coming months.

Please call Paul Bedwell on 07966 271053 if you'd like advice in respect of your land interests in Doncaster.

What Can I Do Next…

At Spawforths we are proud to act as trusted advisers to a wide range of clients including private individuals, businesses, charities and the public sector. If you would like further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.

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