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Whitby Road, Pickering

Established in 1987, Keyland operates across the region and has created a unique approach to development based on the ‘Six Capitals’ approach to development, as set out in their ‘Blueprint Strategy’. Their aim is to change the face of development in Yorkshire by creating truly sustainable places. As a land promoter and property trading company, Keyland can deliver a diverse range of housing types and tenures to create both a commercially attractive project and at the same time deliver against the organisation’s wider corporate and social responsibility agenda.

The Site is located on the north-eastern edge of Pickering, 600m from the town centre. Directly to the north lies Whitby Road (A169), with open fields further beyond and to the east. To the west of the Site lies Whitby Cemetery. To the south lies a newly constructed housing known as Heather Croft. The Site currently comprises of an undeveloped agricultural field, with generally flat land levels, enclosed by hedgerows.

Established in 1987, Keyland operates across the region and has created a unique approach to development based on the ‘Six Capitals’ approach to development, as set out in their ‘Blueprint Strategy’. Their aim is to change the face of development in Yorkshire by creating truly sustainable places. As a land promoter and property trading company, Keyland can deliver a diverse range of housing types and tenures to create both a commercially attractive project and at the same time deliver against the organisation’s wider corporate and social responsibility agenda.

The Site is located on the north-eastern edge of Pickering, 600m from the town centre. Directly to the north lies Whitby Road (A169), with open fields further beyond and to the east. To the west of the Site lies Whitby Cemetery. To the south lies a newly constructed housing known as Heather Croft. The Site currently comprises of an undeveloped agricultural field, with generally flat land levels, enclosed by hedgerows.

The overarching vision for Whitby Road, Pickering is to create ‘a connected sustainable place for people, community and nature’. The proposed development will comprise of up to 150 dwellings, across a mix of house types and sizes. The scheme will also include a single vehicle access point, landscaping, ecological mitigation areas and public open space. The design of the dwellings will be of a high quality design and material pallet which is in keeping with the surrounding area.

The scheme will deliver much needed additional housing within the local area, which will include the provision affordable and accessible housing. The proposed development will also boost the local economy through employment opportunities, construction value and expenditure from new residents. The Site offers opportunities for enhancement of existing natural features through extensive planting and landscaping. The Site is within walking distance from Pickering town centre, which provides access to a range of local services and facilities.

The Site will have a single vehicular access point from Whitby Road to the north. The Site presents an opportunity to provide a pedestrian connection through the south. The Site is considered to be in a accessible location, situated within a reasonable walking distance from Pickering town centre, which provides services and facilities. Local bus routes also provide access to other local centre.

Established in 1987, Keyland operates across the region and has created a unique approach to development based on the ‘Six Capitals’ approach to development, as set out in their ‘Blueprint Strategy’. Their aim is to change the face of development in Yorkshire by creating truly sustainable places. As a land promoter and property trading company, Keyland can deliver a diverse range of housing types and tenures to create both a commercially attractive project and at the same time deliver against the organisation’s wider corporate and social responsibility agenda.

The Site is located on the north-eastern edge of Pickering, 600m from the town centre. Directly to the north lies Whitby Road (A169), with open fields further beyond and to the east. To the west of the Site lies Whitby Cemetery. To the south lies a newly constructed housing known as Heather Croft. The Site currently comprises of an undeveloped agricultural field, with generally flat land levels, enclosed by hedgerows.

Keyland understand just how big an impact our work can have on society and the environment, and with that comes a responsibility to do the right thing. Keyland are therefore continually seeking ways to improve how we and our partners work in collaboration, and this has led to the creation of our new Blueprint Strategy, which is underpinned by the ‘Six Capitals’ approach to sustainable development, our ‘Project Process’ and commitment to ‘Performance Excellence’. In developing this approach, Keyland have collaborated extensively with key stakeholders and industry-leading specialists to identify and assess a set of Six Capitals derived Key Performance Indictors (KPIs) that we will embed, enforce, and measure at project and organisational levels.

The Six Capitals approach has shaped the illustrative masterplan for the Site. The ‘Six Capitals’ approach provides a strong model of sustainability which places an emphasis on living within the limits of the natural environment and developing strategies that grow all capitals. The aim is to improve value through the Six Capitals and deliver benefits to Pickering and its associated stakeholders.

Established in 1987, Keyland operates across the region and has created a unique approach to development based on the ‘Six Capitals’ approach to development, as set out in their ‘Blueprint Strategy’. Their aim is to change the face of development in Yorkshire by creating truly sustainable places. As a land promoter and property trading company, Keyland can deliver a diverse range of housing types and tenures to create both a commercially attractive project and at the same time deliver against the organisation’s wider corporate and social responsibility agenda.

The Site is located on the north-eastern edge of Pickering, 600m from the town centre. Directly to the north lies Whitby Road (A169), with open fields further beyond and to the east. To the west of the Site lies Whitby Cemetery. To the south lies a newly constructed housing known as Heather Croft. The Site currently comprises of an undeveloped agricultural field, with generally flat land levels, enclosed by hedgerows.

In advance of submitting an outline planning application to North Yorkshire Council, we are hosting a public consultation event at Pickering Memorial Hall, Potter Hill, Pickering, YO18 8AA. The local community is encouraged to attend. The event will take place on Thursday 13th March, from 4pm to 7pm. This will give members of the public the opportunity to review the proposals in more detail and discuss the scheme with members of the project team. As part of the community engagement programme, we are also seeking to meet with the Ward Cllrs and Pickering Town Council.

We would like to invite you to provide your comments on the scheme to the details below. We are aware we cannot always reach every member of the community; therefore, we would be grateful if you could pass this information on to neighbours or other parties that you feel would be interested in the proposals.

Our programme for public consultation and community engagement does not negate the Local Planning Authority’s statutory requirement to consult with local residents and businesses once the application is submitted; rather it is intended to advise you of the proposal in advance of the statutory consultation. You should therefore receive a formal notification from the Local Planning Authority in due course, inviting you to view and comment on the submitted application. Any comments made at the application stage will be considered by the Local Planning Authority prior to the determination of the planning application.

Please submit your comments to

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